College Functional Skills Based Resume Description
File name: College-Functional-Skills-Based-Resume-Template.docx
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This college functional resume lets you summarize your education into skill categories to let an employer know you are qualified.
Detail your specific skills in the skills section, while also having room to talk about your abilities in broad technical categories.
There are also multiple education listings for high school, graduate school, or other education based listing.
How To Use A College Functional Resume Template
The following guide will help you fill out the various sections of the resume template.
Summary of Accomplishments
The beginning of your resume should be a clear and concise summary of your skills and accomplishments from your education.
Change your summary to match the needs and requirements of each employer. You may have a lot of different abilities but each employer requires different skills to be successful. The summary is the chance to let them know you meet their top-level requirements and have the necessary experience.
Skills Section
Your college education skills section should include technical skills that you’ve learned, like specific software programs or tools you know how to competently use.
These skills are best described in one to three word phrases that quickly communicate what you know.
Functional Categories
Next, the resume includes an area to go into depth about your accomplishments in specific industries or skill categories.
This type of organization is best for job-seekers who may have an educational background in multiple areas who are applying for a job with lots of qualifications needed – or just a variety of qualifications that don’t fit in one type of job category.
List Your Education
On this resume, your actual education listing is a bit minimized, so feel free to move it to the top if your college name or degree is more relevant to the job or qualifications.
Always include the name of your school, the date of your graduation, your degree, and the location of the school. This will help employers quickly be able to verify your information.
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