2 Column Functional Skills Based Resume Description
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This resume organizes your skills and past experience in a unique way to focus on your qualifications.
A functional resume is great for job hoppers or people with hit-or-miss work history. By focusing on the skills and abilities you do have, any bad work history will be de-emphasized.
If your education is a more important part of your qualifications, you may want to move it about the employment history on the resume template.
How To Use A 2 Column Functional Skills Based Resume Template
This guide provides quick details on how to fill out a functional skills based resume.
A Great Professional Summary
A functional resume needs to start off with a great professional summary. Your summary is a quick way to intertwine the many different aspects of your professional life.
Because a functional resume is often used by people with lots of different types of skills and experience, your summary gives the employer a “topic sentence” and sets the stage for what they can expect when reading the rest of the resume.
Your professional summary may change for each company you apply to because what each company is looking for may be different. So be creative and don’t copy paste every time you apply!
Left Column Skills
If you’ve worked across even a few different industries, you will have noticed just how many unique skills you can learn. This resume has a large skills section for both interpersonal and technical skills.
If you’d like, you can even break down the skills section even further depending on what type of job you are applying to. For more technical trade jobs, the skills section will come in handy. For some jobs, you may need to cut back the skills section a bit and focus more on the employment experience.
As you go through, remember to make the resume your own. The skills section is a great place to personalize a resume.
Employment Experience
A functional resume will break down your past job experience into any number or type of category.
This is a great format for you if you have worked at many different types of jobs or have lots of different experience.
Be sure to review the job listing so that you know how to group your experience and what keywords to use. Different companies may have different job titles or descriptions for the same type of job.
Listing the Job Details
Even with a functional resume, you will still list your actual work history with the accompanying dates. A resume should never try to hide this information – any employer will find out eventually. But what we can do is to emphasize all of our skills and abilities and deemphasize our work history (if it’s a little bit shaky).
If you have enough experience to fill out a functional resume then for the most part, your education won’t nearly be as important as the experience. That’s why in this and most of our resumes, the education is on the bottom.
However, if your education is particularly relevent to a company’s needs then don’t be afraid to place it higher on the resume.
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