Your job search requires that you make the most of your time. That means knowing what types of job search websites to use and how to use them. Today I want to address how you can add to your job search tool bag to make your job search a little easier. is a job search website that aggregates different job listings together into an easily searchable format. It also allows you to set up a profile and upload a resume, letting employers search through the database of job-seekers. Although there are certainly other websites that provide both of these services, Indeed offers a straightforward and easy to use interface at no cost. That’s why I recommend Indeed as a jumping off point when starting the job search.
Creating a Profile
All you need to get started is an e-mail. Make sure the e-mail you use to sign up is the same as the e-mail on your resume. Consistency is key – you want to send a united message of “THIS IS EXACTLY HOW YOU GET A HOLD OF ME!” Once you’ve signed up, you can look through the various options you have to assist you in the job search. These tools include saving jobs for later in your search and getting e-mail alerts when new jobs are posted. The most important part of completing your profile is uploading your resume. In the top right hand corner, select ‘Upload Your Resume’. Once you’ve selected, Indeed may prompt you to fill out some additional or missing information. When you go to view your resume make sure it is not missing any key information. Also check to see if it looks somewhat similar to the formatting of your resume in document form.
Creating a Searchable Resume
Uploading your resume to your profile allows for employers to actively seek you out based on your resume. That is why it is crucial that your resume is not missing any information, such as a job title, or technical skills. Creating a good, searchable resume takes research. As you search through job listings, identify key ideas listed under sections for job duties, responsibilities, or requirements. Take note of the job title and industry that corresponds with the information you find. Over time you will be able to develop a better picture of what certain jobs and industries are looking for in a candidate. This will help you develop a better resume, resulting in your resume landing in more employer searches.
Beginning the Job Search
You’ve made a nice and searchable resume so now it’s time to take part in the active job search. As I mentioned before, Indeed is a great place to start your job search because of how it searches through the web to find job listings. In fact, I’ve often seen job listings from other job sites listed on Indeed.
To better help you tailor your resume to job postings, you should understand the relationship between yourself, Indeed, and the employer. This will give you insight into what the employer is expecting, how to follow up with the employer, and what obstacles you may have to overcome in pursuing a given job.
Types of Job Listings
Besides the sponsored ads, there are generally three types of job listings you will come across on Indeed. The first of these is what I call a ’employer website’ listing. When you click the job listing title on these types of listings, you are taken to the employer’s website. They usually have some type of system set up to take your information – whether it be an online application, or a place to upload your resume. Make sure to take notice of any e-mail addresses or phone numbers provided. This information will aid you in your follow up attempts.
The second type of job listing you will find on Indeed is what I call a ‘third-party site’ listing. This is when you click on the link and are taken to a completely seperate site – not Indeed or the employer’s. Some examples of these types of site are Apply2Jobs and Taleo. These sites often require you to complete an account sign-up. Your profile will provide the necessary information to the employer, along with an uploaded resume. These third-party sites create a distinct barrier in the job search process. A direct hiring manager is taken farther away from the hiring process when a third-party site is introduced. Remember this, and set your expectations accordingly. In my experience, companies using these processes generally take longer to hire.
The third type of job listing you’ll see are ones with little orange text that say, “Easily Apply”. These job listings will take you to another page on Indeed where you can easily click to apply. These job listings will send the resume you have on file with your account directly to the employer’s account. When responding to these types of job listings, make sure your Indeed resume is formatted properly and easily readable. Your resume will be sent to the employer and they will be notified by e-mail that a new candidate has responded. You should be actively seeking out these types of job listings, as I believe they present the easiest path to getting hired quickly.
No matter which website you use, be sure to track the research you are doing on keywords and employer requirements. This information will be a valuable tool to help you adapt your resume to different job titles and industries.
For a video overview of this information, check us out on Youtube here.