No Experience Resume Objective
A resume objective is a way to summarize your past education & skills while also projecting some of your career desires going forward.
Quick Tips To Writing A Good Objective
A good objective will combine your past knowledge with your future ambition in a few information packed sentences. The objective should be long enough to create a summary but short enough to make the employer want to keep reading. Your best job-related attributes go here.
A good objective will be an anchor that the rest of your resume will be tied and connected to. Your resume should flow from one section to the other nicely, with each section picking up where the last left off. Your objective can give your resume the momentum it needs to start off right.
A good objective will act as a topic sentence, if you were to think of your resume as a persuasive essay. The objective will whet the appetite for the employer but it will also set the expectations for the remainder of your resume. Letting an employer know that your skillset matches with the job is your top priority so they know from the outset that they aren’t wasting their time.
No Experience Resume Objective Examples
An objective can be short, sweet, and straight to the point. For example, if a job is looking for someone with a skill that doesn’t necessarily require you to have your degree yet, put it in the objective.
Here’s an example for a computer programming type of job:
Fourth year computer programming student with classroom project experience in C++ and Java seeking Computer Programmer 1 position.
How to Get a Job With No Experience
Getting a job without any experience is a process that requires a great amount of patience, energy, and effort. To help you along the way, I’d like to talk about three topics that I think are crucial for beginning job-seekers. Your attitude, how you view “experience”, and the job search process itself.
Attitude & Outlook
The job search process can be extremely cruel. That is why it is important for you to have a positive mindset throughout your job search.
Your self-worth has nothing to do with the job you have or what a hiring manager may tell you. Even so, during your job hunt you may become discouraged. And that’s okay! If the job search is getting you down, take a break. When you’re ready to dive in again, revisit or remake a list of your strongest skills and abilities. Remind yourself that you are worth hiring and any employer would be lucky to have you. Hiring a new job seeker is a risk some employers won’t take. But the company that does will have found itself a gem.
Understanding the Employers
While it may be a challenge, you have to put yourself in the shoes of every employer you apply for. Even if you are cynical about the job search process and about employers, we need to understand that the job search process is every bit as difficult for them as it is for us.
And while that is no excuse for why the job search is as soul crushing as it is, it’s important to understand how different employees within a company that you will need to interact with view the job search process.
For example, a larger company may handle their employment exclusively through HR. In these types of environments you may not meet your manager until your first day at work.
How We Talk About Experience
Take time to think about what you’re good at and how you learned to be good at it. What skills that you picked up in school and with hobbies can be applied to every-day jobs?
Getting experience in something doesn’t require a job with a steady paycheck. Look for opportunities to help in your community and to volunteer. Learn while you work. Get better at working with others.
The skills you pick up as a teen or student, can often be transferred to your new job. Practice describing your skills in a way an employer would describe them on a job application.
The Job Search Itself
Target jobs with 2 years of experience or less, which won’t be much of a stretch.
New-comers will have more success applying for jobs in-person and re-kindling school friendships, finding people already employed to recommend you.
Track your job search and follow up with employers on a weekly and monthly basis.